It has been a crazy year! Going into 2012 I was hoping to run a time in the 15’s at the Rocky Road 100 Mile and after that……I had no idea what I was going to do. I certainly was on the downside of my career and the days of running PR’s were over…Right? Well, 13:14 at Rocky Road and the rest has been history. How do you explain going from a second alternate on the 100k Team(four weeks prior to the race) to 2nd place finish on the team, 7th in the World, and a Team Silver? It is hard to imagine the runner I once was waaaayyyyyy back in 2011:)
People ask me what major changes I made to bringing on such success. Well, I can narrow it down to three things.
1.) Change in diet. I went from a high carbohydrate diet, to a high protein diet.
2.) My Chiropractor Dr. Paul Forakis has taken care of my minor nagging issues before they became big issues. Because of this, I have been able to run higher mileage weeks without injury. Before this year, I had only recorded one one-hundred mile training week, and this year I have run double-digit 100 mile weeks.
3.) I gave up mountain trail running and focused on road/trail ultras that I could train for locally here in Modesto. Too often I would race in the mountains at elevation, but I couldn’t do the training to mirror the races I was running. Therefore, I would do poorly. My wife has been trying to tell me for years, but I was too stubborn to listen. Thank you Honey:)
I will use the next five days to chronicle the five biggest moments of my 2012 running year.
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